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Cognitive behavioural hypnotherapy

nutrition with Cbt-hypnotherapy


NUTRITION and lifestyle modifications are very effective at addressing a wide range of symptoms.


I work mainly on: 

-  (Peri) Menopause

-  Weight loss/gain

-  Blood sugar imbalances

-  PMS

- Digestive symptoms (e.g. heart burn, IBS)


With every client, I adjust the healing protocol to your specific needs, symptoms and cultural heritage. I will set the stage for long-lasting results with integrated education and motivation, helping you to feel better step by step. 


I will work in tandem with your medical team if wished for.


Often symptoms manifest in a different realm then that of the root causes, therefore it's crucial to work holistically and systematically using tracking tools and other techniques.


I will guide you through this process with food and lifestyle recommendations and steps to integrate new habits. Additionally supplements or blood tests may be recommended. 


Clinical testing available, including:

Food Intolerance Tests 


Stool tests


Liver Function 

Vitamin D 

Ferritin (Iron), Vitamin B12, Folate 

Lipid Profile

Thyroid among others

Nutrition and CBT-hypnotherapy sessions

Cognitive Behavioural Hypnotherapy

CBT- hypnotherapy is an integration of cognitive behavioural therapy and hypnotherapy. It is multi-modal, meaning that it integrates emotions, thoughts and actions


It is a therapy where you become self-aware of components of your experience in terms of thoughts, emotions, behaviours and sensations and their relationship between them. 


A goal is set and integrated across these three areas and can be rehearsed by enhancing imaginal absorption and can change many habits and beliefs by autosuggestion. Hypnosis can increase effectiveness by inducing deep relaxation. 


This way of therapy is evidence-based. There is a very extensive body of research (e.g. Kirsch, I. et al., 1989) supporting the effectiveness of hypnotherapy, including an increasing number of randomised controlled trials (RCTs) designed to meet rigorous modern research. 


Research also shows that cognitive behavioural therapies were more effective when integrated with hypnosis, which makes these two approaches a powerful combination when effectively helping people achieve positive long-term change in a short duration of time.






During the initial consultation, socialisation and assessment will take place and we will work on problem conceptualisation, agreement of therapy goals and tasks and hypnosis. 


During the succeeding sessions, further tools and techniques will be taught to reach the therapy goals.


For example, relaxation skills, emotional self-regulation training, coping skills, mindfulness, cognitive distancing, habit reversal techniques, assertiveness skills, and more can all be integrated during the sessions. 


Areas I mainly work in:

- Menopause

- Weight issues

- Irritable Bowel Syndrome (IBS)

- Phobias 

- Anxiety

- Stress Management

- Relaxation

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Do you want to make dietary changes, but you quickly fall back to your old pattern?


Do you want to support your dietary changes with motivation and mental exercises?


Do you want to alleviate menopausal symptoms?


The combination of nutrition and hypnosis is very powerful to make long-lasting changes.


The main areas I work in include:

-(Peri) menopausal symptoms

- Eating habits 

- Weight loss/gain



Nutritin with Hypno-CBT


Every client has its own bio individuality and therefore, I adjust the healing protocol to your specific needs, symptoms and cultural heritage.


Science and empirical research are an integral part of my education and I'll work accordingly.

Tailored to your needs and goals

During the initial session we start with setting SMART goals to clarify your needs and goals.


With psycho-education I will provide you a rationale of the approach I'm taking. And I'll only work with you if your presenting issue is within my scope of competence. 

Step-by-step approach

I'll make sure to communicate with you how quick or slow the implementation can be. Therefore I offer one-change sessions to make change easier, effective and long-lasting. 

Client-centred and Feedback

Your experience is my top priority. I’ll create a safe and non-judgemental space for you to feel understood and to be honest. Through questioning and feedback, we’ll create a meaningful and effective working alliance together. 

In the United Kingdom, stress results in 105 million lost workdays each year.

Nutrition & CBT-Hypnotherapy


Nutrition & CBT-Hypnotherapy

MADELEINE Hardus is a therapist specialised in nutrition and its mindset, for (peri) menopausal women in weight management, vasomotor symptoms (hot flashes/night sweats) and fatigue. Her focus is on providing a client-centred, tailored and safe space to work together on a set goal. 

Copyright Madeleine Hardus, Power through Nature 2024
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This website is for informational purposes only and is not intended to diagnose, treat or cure your condition or not to be a substitute for advice from your physician or other healthcare professional. 

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